

學琴可以啟發學生潛能,除了可自律, 陶冶性情, 還可鍛練耐性﹐毅力﹐分析力﹐手腦協調及修養等等。









本中心導師學歷高深,有個別及小組教授,由最小3歲半至成人。初級幼兒班及高級文憑等﹐提供優質音樂課程﹐經驗豐富。其中黃導師更出生於澳洲,自幼接受澳洲優良教育﹐中學時期以取得澳洲音樂學院鋼琴演奏級文憑 並獲優異等級。期後於澳洲悉尼大學修讀音樂系並取得學士學位。大學畢業後於澳洲悉尼大學 音樂學院深造﹐取得教師碩士學位。又在英國皇家音樂學院取得教師文憑。 曾受多位名師教導﹐包括澳洲音樂學院Joshua Tsai教授﹐Gerard Williams教授﹐ Elizabeth Powel 教授﹐Paul Rickard-Ford博士﹐及Jeanell Carrigan作曲家等等。 並經常在澳洲各省演奏。曾在澳洲悉尼Mosman學校任教多年。 黃導師在澳洲悉尼大學修讀的Master of Music Pedagogy 就是專研究如何訓練學生﹐學琴的技巧﹐容易明白﹐容易掌握節奏﹐啟發學生天份等。她所寫的論文﹐透過調研和測試﹐能讓學生的視譜技巧大有進步。該論文現存放在澳洲悉尼大學圖書館內﹐以供讀音樂系的大學生作參考之用。


初學兒童手勢最重要﹐若老師知識所限未能正確教導﹐往往被弄壞姿勢﹐而直接影響學琴的技巧。他日更改很困難﹐ 因為已先入為主。要用較長的時間才可更改。家長要慎重選擇﹐別因價廉而影響小朋友。

本中心的全面性音樂教學已超越考試及比賽的需要。 家長可以放心﹐無論是自學或培養兒童﹐ 考試或比賽,都會為每一位學生提供高質素的教育﹐使學生們獲得優異的成績。 歡迎家長來臨參觀。 (敬請預約)

Professional Harp and Theory Education

Harp Rental and Sales Services

Music learning instills discipline, improves patience, concentration and analytical skills, as well as develops coordination.


Our center utilizes a creative approach in music education tailored to each student’s needs, with a strong emphasis on proper techniques, and encourages appreciation & understanding of music. All classes are conducted in English, students are fully prepared for exams, recitals and competitions, allowing students the opportunity to share their result of a productive year’s work with parents and fellow students. Through such, students grow from the experience and develop confidence.
Theory, Sight-reading, Audiation and Improvisation are fundamental skills that are expected from musicians. The former three are also the included in the examination requirements of the Australian Music Examinations Board, Trinity College of London, and Royal Schools of Music. Lessons will include training in the above areas.

Professional Instructors

Our center is run by qualified teachers, offering individual and group lessons to students aged three and a half years old to adults. Beginner to diploma courses are offered by our experienced teachers, amongst is Instructor Wong, who is from Australian and received her musical training the Sydney Conservatorium of Music, Australia; graduating with a Master of Music Pedagogy degree. Her Bachelor degree was attained at the University of Sydney majoring in Performance. A further Diploma of Instrumental Teaching from the London Royals Schools of Music was attained. She also held post as music teacher at Mosman Sydney school.

Having studied with great teachers: Conservatorium Lecturers Joshua Tsai, Gerard Williams, Dr. Paul Rickard-Ford; and Australian composer Jeanell Carrigan; Instructor Wong holds the degree: Master of Music Pedagogy, it is the art and science of Teaching. Holders of said degree are trained professional teachers equipped with knowledge of how to teach students proper techniques, and using the most effective way to teach and bring out the potential in each student. The dissertation published by Instructor Wong is currently a property of the University of Sydney, used as a research tool for university students.

It is vital in the early learning stages that posture and technique are properly taught. If the teacher is not well-informed, the wrong posture and technique being taught to the child, and correction of such bad playing habits will need a long period of time to take effect. Parents should choose teachers carefully and not be influenced by the ‘price tag’ for the child’s sake.

Instructor Wong’s comprehensive music education exceeds the requirements of music exams or competitions. Students of our center are frequent Champions in music competitions, parents: rest assured, whether the student is learning for leisure or culture, for exams or competition, we will provide quality music education, bringing out the best in all our students. (Please contact us to book an appointment)

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